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Training of the Trainers


Educators have a challenge before them as they need to alter attitudes and initiate behavioral change by going beyond imparting knowledge. The Train the Trainer module focuses on training teachers to introduce concepts of environment education into the mainstream curriculum.

This SSI component ensures that teachers from various subject backgrounds are speaking the same language when it comes to environmental education and ensuring that it is truly incorporated into every aspect of learning in schools.

This component is one of the most challenging and vital components.

It is therefore very important for schools to ensure that their teachers are given all the necessary support and training opportunities for updating and enhancing their learning’s on environment.


Teachers from schools registered with SSI are given the opportunity to take online courses on educating for sustainability.

These courses train teachers to effectively communicate concepts of sustainability to students, while learning and sharing the best practices on environmental education.

The method for implementing the training of trainers depends on the following steps:

  • Obtaining the training guide for teachers for the three cycles through the system
  • Encouraging teachers to attend training courses in the field of environmental education through meetings or e-mail, according to the applicable system.
  • Teachers attend training courses through e-GREEN
  • Teachers download the trainers training report card from the system and prepare the report, and attach all evidence related to the implementation mechanism and results.


Schools are expected to report on the number of teachers from their schools that have participated in trainings/ workshops on environmental issues. It does not matter if teachers have attended the trainings conducted by the Agency or by any other organisation whether within or outside the city/UAE.

Teachers who get an opportunity to attend trainings or workshops are expected to share these learning’s with other teachers who may not have got the opportunity to attend workshops/ trainings. Schools are expected to show evidence of this sharing.

Schools are also expected to show evidence of integration of their trainings or workshops into their curriculum.

Submit your report

Training of Trainers resources

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