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Sustainability Stars For 2013-2015

Lead school category : Aisha Bint Abi Baker School, Abu Dhabi Indian School, Al Talee'a School Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladesh Islamia School, Qatr Al Nada School & Islamia English School.

These schools have successfully integrated the four components of SSI into the DNA of their school – they do their Green Audit regularly, go on Field Trips, attend Training of the Trainer sessions to become better environment educators, and also have Eco Clubs that do internal and community projects to contribute positively to the environment. They have graduated to the next level of being a Sustainable School – this year, the teachers and students took several new schools under their wing and guided them to become more sustainable. Watch the students speak of their experiences of taking the lead, and the challenges they faced (Click here)

Outdoor field Education Category: Bedaa Al Mutaw'a  School, Al Bateen Scientific Private School, Al Khatim School & Al Bashair Private School.

This year, a total of 31,555 students across Abu Dhabi Emirate were exposed to outdoor field education through 302 field trips as a part of the Sustainable Schools Initiative of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi. The students visit interesting spots around Abu Dhabi, such as: Masdar City, Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve, the Eastern Mangroves, to name a few – and learn in the field about various scientific and environmental concepts. Watch the best schools in this category speak of their experiences (click here)

Sustainable schools success stories

Environment Educators Category: Al Rehab school, Bright Riders school, Al Maha school & Al Bateen Scientific private school

The teachers of these schools attended training sessions at the Environment Agency, along with 400+ other teachers from across Abu Dhabi, to learn new skills to become more effective Environment Educators. Watch the impact of the new teaching methods on the teachers & students:

Al Rehab School  (Click here)

Bright Riders School  (click here)

Al Maha School  (click here)

Al Bateen Scientific Private School  (Click here )

Best Community Outreach Category:

Remah School

In addition to executing several internal projects at the school, the students of the school have also reached out to the community of farm owners around the Remah and Bu Samra areas to conserve water by fixing broken water tanks and pipes in their fields. The students volunteered their time and efforts to help with the repairs and raised awareness among the farm owners and workers to achieve a reduction in water consumption. To Know more about the school project (click here).


Sustainable schools success stories

Best Community Outreach Category:

Al Montaha School

In addition to executing several internal projects such as segregating waste and collecting electronic waste, the students of the school have also reached out to the community to find a solution to the problem of pest and cockroach infestation in their school and residential area of Mussaffah, Abu Dhabi. To Know more about the school project (Click here).

Al Nahda National School for Girls

In addition to executing several internal projects throughout the year, the students also observe an annual sustainability eco fair. This year, the theme of the Sustainability Fair was “Water” and the school invited students from several other schools to participate in the awareness building exercise through an exhibition and workshop. To Know more about To Know more about the school project   (Click here).

Al Huiteen School

In addition to executing several internal projects at the school, the students of the Eco Club have also reached out to the community by launching a Hydroponics Farming project. This video outlines their process and the challenges they faced in trying to adopt this water-efficient method of agriculture for their community. To Know more about the school project (Click here)

Mayoor Private School

In addition to executing several internal projects such as conducting their green audit, the students of the youngest Eco Club of Abu Dhabi also decided to find a solution to the problem of waste dumped in the areas around their school. Watch the first step of their “Clean Up Al Wathba” project in which they reach out to the community to by visiting a Labourers Accommodation in the area to create awareness. To Know more about the school project (Click here)

Sustainable schools success stories

Best Green Audit Category:

Al Maseera School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. They had long been struggling with the problem of pigeon droppings in and around the school which affected the air quality at the school. The students brainstormed and found a way to collect this pigeon waste (nearly 200kg in a few months!) and convert it to manure. Watch the students speak passionately about the project & what they learn (click here).

St. Joseph’s School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. Although their use of water was within permissible levels for a day-boarding school, they attempted to reduce their water consumption and recycle the “grey water” to plant and sustain a school garden. Watch a film (click here) to know how the students did it.

Al Resala School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. On observing the amount of waste water generated by the Air Conditioning system of the school (nearly 200 litres each day), the students decided to recycle this water and use it for cleaning and watering their gardens. Watch the students speak of the challenges they faced in executing this project (click here).

Al Adhwa Private School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. To reduce their carbon footprint and make their school more sustainable, they divided themselves into teams to reduce their use of each of these resources and also recycle them. The school has its own compost pit where they generate manure to maintain their gardens, and they also segregate their waste and dispose it correctly. Watch the students speak about their experiences & projects (click here).

Sustainability Stars For 2013-2015

Lead school category : Aisha Bint Abi Baker School, Abu Dhabi Indian School, Al Talee'a School Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladesh Islamia School, Qatr Al Nada School & Islamia English School.

These schools have successfully integrated the four components of SSI into the DNA of their school – they do their Green Audit regularly, go on Field Trips, attend Training of the Trainer sessions to become better environment educators, and also have Eco Clubs that do internal and community projects to contribute positively to the environment. They have graduated to the next level of being a Sustainable School – this year, the teachers and students took several new schools under their wing and guided them to become more sustainable. Watch the students speak of their experiences of taking the lead, and the challenges they faced (Click here)

Outdoor field Education Category: Bedaa Al Mutaw'a  School, Al Bateen Scientific Private School, Al Khatim School & Al Bashair Private School.

This year, a total of 31,555 students across Abu Dhabi Emirate were exposed to outdoor field education through 302 field trips as a part of the Sustainable Schools Initiative of the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi. The students visit interesting spots around Abu Dhabi, such as: Masdar City, Al Wathba Wetlands Reserve, the Eastern Mangroves, to name a few – and learn in the field about various scientific and environmental concepts. Watch the best schools in this category speak of their experiences (click here)

Sustainable schools success stories

Environment Educators Category: Al Rehab school, Bright Riders school, Al Maha school & Al Bateen Scientific private school

The teachers of these schools attended training sessions at the Environment Agency, along with 400+ other teachers from across Abu Dhabi, to learn new skills to become more effective Environment Educators. Watch the impact of the new teaching methods on the teachers & students:

Al Rehab School  (Click here)

Bright Riders School  (click here)

Al Maha School  (click here)

Al Bateen Scientific Private School  (Click here )

Best Community Outreach Category:

Remah School

In addition to executing several internal projects at the school, the students of the school have also reached out to the community of farm owners around the Remah and Bu Samra areas to conserve water by fixing broken water tanks and pipes in their fields. The students volunteered their time and efforts to help with the repairs and raised awareness among the farm owners and workers to achieve a reduction in water consumption. To Know more about the school project (click here).


Sustainable schools success stories

Best Community Outreach Category:

Al Montaha School

In addition to executing several internal projects such as segregating waste and collecting electronic waste, the students of the school have also reached out to the community to find a solution to the problem of pest and cockroach infestation in their school and residential area of Mussaffah, Abu Dhabi. To Know more about the school project (Click here).

Al Nahda National School for Girls

In addition to executing several internal projects throughout the year, the students also observe an annual sustainability eco fair. This year, the theme of the Sustainability Fair was “Water” and the school invited students from several other schools to participate in the awareness building exercise through an exhibition and workshop. To Know more about To Know more about the school project   (Click here).

Al Huiteen School

In addition to executing several internal projects at the school, the students of the Eco Club have also reached out to the community by launching a Hydroponics Farming project. This video outlines their process and the challenges they faced in trying to adopt this water-efficient method of agriculture for their community. To Know more about the school project (Click here)

Mayoor Private School

In addition to executing several internal projects such as conducting their green audit, the students of the youngest Eco Club of Abu Dhabi also decided to find a solution to the problem of waste dumped in the areas around their school. Watch the first step of their “Clean Up Al Wathba” project in which they reach out to the community to by visiting a Labourers Accommodation in the area to create awareness. To Know more about the school project (Click here)

Sustainable schools success stories

Best Green Audit Category:

Al Maseera School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. They had long been struggling with the problem of pigeon droppings in and around the school which affected the air quality at the school. The students brainstormed and found a way to collect this pigeon waste (nearly 200kg in a few months!) and convert it to manure. Watch the students speak passionately about the project & what they learn (click here).

St. Joseph’s School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. Although their use of water was within permissible levels for a day-boarding school, they attempted to reduce their water consumption and recycle the “grey water” to plant and sustain a school garden. Watch a film (click here) to know how the students did it.

Al Resala School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. On observing the amount of waste water generated by the Air Conditioning system of the school (nearly 200 litres each day), the students decided to recycle this water and use it for cleaning and watering their gardens. Watch the students speak of the challenges they faced in executing this project (click here).

Al Adhwa Private School

The students of the school conducted a “Green Audit” to measure their use of land, water, air, energy and waste. To reduce their carbon footprint and make their school more sustainable, they divided themselves into teams to reduce their use of each of these resources and also recycle them. The school has its own compost pit where they generate manure to maintain their gardens, and they also segregate their waste and dispose it correctly. Watch the students speak about their experiences & projects (click here).

Sustainability Stars For 2012-2013

+ Best Manager-Waste
+ Best Manager-Water fv
+ Best Manager-Energy
+ Best Manager-Air
+ Best Manager-Land
+ Best Community Outreach
+ Most Effective Educator
+ Most Proactive School
+ Best Green Audit
+ Most Sustainable School

Sustainability Stars For 2011-2012


Award Category

School Name


Most Sustainable School: These schools scored the most points in the four components of the Sustainable Schools Initiative, which include conducting a green school audit, establishing eco clubs, training of the trainers and students going on field trips.


Al Talee'a School

Al Ain


Abu Dhabi Indian School

Abu Dhabi


Al Ma'ali School

Al Ain


Most Proactive Schools: Outdoor Field Education: These schools whisked their students away on the most innovative outdoor environmental field trips.


Fatima Bint Asad School

Western Region


Al Bashair Private School

Abu Dhabi


Al Talee'a School

Al Ain


Most Effective Environmental Educators: These schools’ teachers were the most successful in incorporating the new teaching and learning strategies that EAD trained them on.


Al Talee'a School

Al Ain


Beda Al Mutawah school

Western Region


Al Resalah School

Al Ain


Best Green Audit: These two schools carried out the most comprehensive environmental audit of their school. The bronze award of this category was withheld for this academic year.


Abu Dhabi Indian School

Abu Dhabi


Al Ma'ali School

Al Ain


Most Proactive School: Community Outreach: These schools were the most successful in implementing effective environmental awareness projects through their Eco club and reached out effectively to parents and community leaders.


Qatr Al Nada School

Western Region


Al Talee'a School

Al Ain


Mu'tah School

Western Region


Best Managers: Energy: This school was the most effective at conserving its energy consumption. The silver and bronze awards of this category were withheld.


Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladish Islamia Private School

Abu Dhabi


Best Manager: Air: These two schools were the most effective at managing its air quality. The bronze award of this category was withheld.


Al Rehab School

Western Region


Al Ruwad School

Abu Dhabi


Best Manager: Water: These three schools were the most effective at managing its water.


Al Ruwad School

Abu Dhabi


Al Rehab School

Western Region


Um Al emarat school

Al Ain


Best Manager: Land: These two schools were the best at improving the school’s area with native drought- tolerant plant species. The bronze award of this category was withheld.


Qatr Al Nada School

Western Region


Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladish Islamia Private School

Abu Dhabi


Best Manager: Waste: These two schools were the most effective at reducing and recycling its waste. The bronze award of this category was withheld.


St. Josephs

Abu Dhabi


Al Rehab School

Western Region


Sustainability Stars For 2010-2011

Most Sustainable School

 QATR AL NADA FROM MADINAT ZAYED. This school gave equal weightage to the four components in this initiative and excelled in all of them. Most of the school teachers, administrative support staff and parents along with most of the school students were involved in this initiative truly making it a whole school initiative. Another laudable feature in this school was the fact that most of the actions here were student driven.

Change Maker


This school put in tremendous effort in using renewable solar energy to reuse their grey water for planting plants through highly innovative technology and interesting retrofits. The school management had a far sighted policy. It gave full financial support for all of the retrofits suggested by students to make their school green as a result of their last year’s assessment, showing concrete change and a way forward for all other schools.

Best School in Community Awareness


In addition to several small action projects to reach out to the community on priority issues such as water, waste etc., the school reached out to their community.  They helped raise awareness and made a tangible difference in the local community by initiating a project for collecting expired medicines from the community for safe disposal and management by networking with the Madinat Zayed Hospital. The hospital has now enlisted their support for raising awareness on safe disposal of insulin syringes.

Most Effective Environment Educators

ABU DHABI INDIAN SCHOOL – This school’s Management showed willingness to send their educators for updating their teachers’ skills and knowledge regarding the UAE’s environment to better communicate environmental concepts in classrooms with locale specific realities and actions in mind. They also managed to successfully integrate all trainings into their primary, middle and the senior school curriculum.

Best Outdoor Field Educators


 In this school, 80% of the student population was taken on field trips to diverse habitats and places of environmental importance during the academic session. The School also integrated all field trips modules and student follow up reports into their school’s curriculum.

Best Green School Audit


 The Students conducted meticulous audits of their school’s environmental performance. They tracked and reported on their performance from their last year’s audit in a very systematic manner.

Best Managers


Al Abbas School, RUWAIS

Many students were commuting to schools through private cars in this school. After conducting the air audit, students initiated a change in their commuter practice and reduced their carbon emissions by nearly 36 % by through shared transport to school.



Unlike all other schools, this school strongly believed first in reducing their per capita waste rather than believing in Recycling first. Compared to their last year’s audit, the school reduced their per capita waste by taking concrete steps. The school also initiated a zero plastic waste policy.  The school composts all their food waste and uses only the composted fertilizer for their school garden.



This school successfully recycled all their Grey water from their school. They used solar power for collecting and filtering all the grey water and used the filtered water for planting and maintaining their green plants in the school.



This school increased their green area in comparison to last year with more native species. They managed to do this through sound and rational water management. This school has also set an example for many other schools to follow by making provisions for collecting all bird droppings for reusing as fertilizer to maintain their green areas.



With excellent retrofits and making their school walls into ‘breathing walls’ with a grid of  surrounding green plants , the school managed to reduce the temperature of air inside their school thus reducing the need for excessive air conditioning to keep it cool from outside heat.  They managed to save up to 10% of their energy use in their school.


The Sustainable Schools Awards Ceremony was conducted on the 10th of May 2016, to honor and award the best actions by schools participating in this initiative for the 2014-16 academic sessions. We are happy to announce our winners and we hope you find their stories inspirational.


Lead Schools Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Aisha Bint Abu Baker School
  • First Position, Private schools: Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladish Islamia Private School
  • Second Position, Government Schools: Qatar Al Nada School
  • Second Position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School
  • Third Position, Government Schools: Remah School
  • Third Position, Private schools: Al Adhwaa School


Green School Audit Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Al Khatam School
  • First Position ‎ , Private Schools: New Indian Model School, Al Ain
  • Second Position, Government Schools Omamah bint Al Harith School
  • Second Position, Private Schools: The Philippines Global School
Best Community Outreach Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Umm Al-Quwain School
  • First position, Private Schools: Global School In AlAin
  • Second Position, Government Schools: Al Foah School
  • Second Position, Private Schools: Al Itihad National School -Al Ain
  • Third Position, Government Schools: AL Nukbah School
  • Third Position , Private Schools: Sunrise School
Best Environmental Educator Award
  • First position, Government Schools: Al Refa School
  • First position, Private schools: AlRayan School
  • Second position, Government Schools: Al Khatem School
  • Second position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School
Best Outdoor Field Education Award
  • First position, Government Schools: Aisha bint Othman School
  • Second position, Government Schools: Khnoor School
  • First position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School – Al Wathba
  • Second position, Private schools: Mayoor Private School


The Sustainable Schools Awards Ceremony was conducted on the 10th of May 2016, to honor and award the best actions by schools participating in this initiative for the 2014-16 academic sessions. We are happy to announce our winners and we hope you find their stories inspirational.


Lead Schools Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Aisha Bint Abu Baker School
  • First Position, Private schools: Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Bangladish Islamia Private School
  • Second Position, Government Schools: Qatar Al Nada School
  • Second Position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School
  • Third Position, Government Schools: Remah School
  • Third Position, Private schools: Al Adhwaa School


Green School Audit Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Al Khatam School
  • First Position ‎ , Private Schools: New Indian Model School, Al Ain
  • Second Position, Government Schools Omamah bint Al Harith School
  • Second Position, Private Schools: The Philippines Global School
Best Community Outreach Award
  • First Position, Government Schools: Umm Al-Quwain School
  • First position, Private Schools: Global School In AlAin
  • Second Position, Government Schools: Al Foah School
  • Second Position, Private Schools: Al Itihad National School -Al Ain
  • Third Position, Government Schools: AL Nukbah School
  • Third Position , Private Schools: Sunrise School
Best Environmental Educator Award
  • First position, Government Schools: Al Refa School
  • First position, Private schools: AlRayan School
  • Second position, Government Schools: Al Khatem School
  • Second position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School
Best Outdoor Field Education Award
  • First position, Government Schools: Aisha bint Othman School
  • Second position, Government Schools: Khnoor School
  • First position, Private schools: Abu Dhabi Indian School – Al Wathba
  • Second position, Private schools: Mayoor Private School