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Tide Turner

Tide Turners Plastic Challenge: Pilot Phase Abu Dhabi

The Tide Turners Plastic Challenge is a global youth movement to fight plastic pollution around the world. It is designed to inspire young adults to reflect upon their plastic consumption, discover solutions to reduce this consumption, and lead change in their homes, communities, institutions and offices. By joining the challenge, you will be part of an entire generation of young leaders who are changing the world.

Objectives of the challenge:

  • Understand how plastic pollution is threatening life in oceans, other water bodies and on lands.
  • Reduce your personal consumption of single-use or disposable plastics.
  • Inspire friends, families, schools, colleges or communities to reduce consumption of single-use plastics.
  • Become a Youth Leader by creating lasting change on a wider scale in your sphere of influence.
  • Understand how the global community is tackling the issue

The Challenge Levels:

The challenge comprises of three levels – Entry, Leader and Champion – with a scoring system. Scoring enough points at each level entitles, participants will move to the next level of the challenge.