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Green School Audit

Green School Audit and Sustainable Schools

The Green School Audit is a tool designed to help schools review their use of natural resources. It provides schools and student bodies with a roadmap to become environmental managers by assessing the schools’ environmental impact independently.

The Green School Audit shows schools 'how' and 'why' they should learn to exist more sustainably.

It is mandatory for all schools registering under SSI to assess and address their environmental performance.

Upon registering each school receives a Green School manual; a do-it-yourself (DIY) guide that helps students assess the five key elements that comprise their school’s environment namely air, water, land, energy, and waste.

This assessment allows each participating school to identify where it currently stands and where it should be with regards to the environmental standards outlined in the manual. The school should then set targets to address its impacts and improve its environmental performance each year. This compare and address approach steadily edges schools closer towards achieving sustainability.

Registered schools have to take online courses on how to conduct the audit in their schools, through e-GREEN.


The following method is expected to be followed for the Green School :

  • Secure the Green School Manual for your school.
  • Teachers from your school complete the online courses through  e-GREEN
  • Form an audit team for each of the five environmental factors (Air, Land, Water, Waste and Energy). Each team comprises five to ten students, one teacher, parent, a member from school maintenance and transport department. All audits should be conducted by the students only. Teachers may only provide guidance.
  • School Director flags the audit process to students through a meeting or email communication - whichever is more frequently used.
  • Students perform the audits using the step-by-step information and formats shown in the Green School Manual. They also share the audit results with rest of the school.
  • Students should also prepare the Green School Report Card, with all evidence to support processes and findings.
  • Then, they upload the Green School Report Card to the online reporting system for the Green School Audit

As the Green School Manual incorporates simple mathematics and skills the students learn in the classroom, the school’s SSI coordinator can look at the possibility of integrating this process into the existing curriculum. This will not only make the programme easy and relevant but also achievable within certain timeframes.

Submit your report

Download the Green School Manual

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